Sister- Team
Liana & Graziella Baratta
A better question might be, who isn't? B.Youneek is women, men--it's you, your sister, your boss and your neighbor. It's anyone who loves themselves enough to realize their goals and is not afraid to get out there and reach for them.
The actual company B.Youneek is nothing more than a vessel to help get you there. We're here to hold your hand, kick your butt and motivate you to start living to your full potential.
So who are the brains behind this inspired operation?
Two sisters with extensive backgrounds in entertainment, fashion,
beauty, fitness and wellness who own their personal
images, are proud of their Italian-Polish- American heritage and most
importantly, are dying to meet you! Get to know this dynamic duo today and don't forget to B.Youneek!
Who is B.Youneek?

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