You know the drill.. every new year, you get out your laundry list of resolutions, to- do's, goals, initiatives, whatever you want to call them. All of January, you go at it full speed ahead. Then you encounter some obstacles, some large, some small, and soon you begin to loose sight of your goals. It's a familiar cycle that many of us experience, but it doesn't mean it can't be broken, or that it's wrong! Life happens to everyone, and the more we learn to "manage" it effectively, the more successful we're at achieving the things that matter most to us, along with life's other necessities. I actually LOVE this time of year because it reprsents new- beginnings, and you can paint your picture any way you want! Here are some useful tips to keep in mind while embarking on your goals this new year:
1) Shoot for the stars, and you'll land on the moon! This tried but very true advice is a technique I've personally used time and time again, and you know what? It works. Set your goals high, and if you achieve them-great. If you don't quite get there, you'll still reap the benefits of the journey getting there, along with "2nd place achievements" you may not have reached otherwise, had you not been brave enough to shoot so high. It truly is "the journey" that counts, and you'll be surprised at what you can accomplish.
2) Remember that you are HUMAN. Again, H U M A N. Sometimes I forget this fact, I admit. I think I'm this super-being that can do it all, and then I'm reminded of the "human factor" when I suddenly plop down on my bed and pass out like a 2-year old (complete with drool) after coaching 2 clients, filming an episode of the Fit Foodie for Graziella TV, and choreographing a competition routine for my dance team. "Oh yeah, I'm a human." We can be our own toughest critic, but we should also be the most loving with ourselves. Remember, no one is going to take care of YOU the way you do, because you know what you need the most. Listen to your body and your soul, as they will speak to you and tell you what you need!
3) MAKE CATEGORICAL PRIORITIZED LISTS & SCHEDULES! If this sounds like work, it is. BUT, this is an effective tool to goal achievement, especially when faced with multiple upon multiple things you need to accomplish on a daily basis. Once you've created your list of goals, they should be broken down into smaller action-steps, essentially the means to your goals. Within your daily routine, it's important to schedule action-steps derived from your list of goals in specific time frames, just like you would schedule an important appointment or outing with a friend on your calendar. We love using the B.Youneek Goal Tree created just for breaking down goals! Get your goal tree in our BYoutiful Body Group on Facebook.

4) Train like an Olympian! Olympians and other successful, accomplished individuals use creative visualization to achieve their goals. It's a technique that simply uses your mind in a relaxed state to visualize the entire process of achieving your goal, step by step, and finally the act of attaining it with great emotion and happiness. You essentially train your mind to achieve your goal by constantly revisiting and reviewing the process and making it second-nature. This technique is best done with a guided audio-meditation or professional coach who can guide you through the process if you are unsure about how to do it on your own.
5) Stay Positive and Keep Learning! This speaks for itself, but doesn't make it any less crucial to attaining your goals. Without a positive, can-do attitude, your goals are nothing but words on paper. Continuously revisit your goals with a positive attitude and seek out ways to become better at what you do by educating yourself. Free information is so readily available these days, so you don't need to spend tons of money on educating yourself. Seek out blogs, articles, publications, tweets, Facebook posts and the like from authorities you trust.
We at B.Youneek wish you a positive, happy, healthy and productive 2015!
Graziella & Liana